Our realizations


Development of sales and visual identity strategy for the new brand Drewno Protector

After the introduction of a new strategy in Dekspol, the time has come to start the second stage of cooperation, related to the introduction of a new product line dedicated to the retail market. At the start of this project, we set ourselves some key objectives, which set our next steps and actions:

We divided the whole project into four parts: 

1. Preparation of product packaging: 

2. Preparation of the product catalogue: 

3. Preparation of shop shelving visualization: 

4. Developing rules for promoting the retail line: 

Customer benefits

Comprehensively prepared by us design of the new Drewno Protector line includes everything that the customer cares about, so: 

Thanks to such comprehensive project preparation, the only thing that remains for the client is to focus on sales that will diversify sources of income and increase competitiveness on the market.

product packaging
label example
catalog cover with a photo of the company’s successor as the face of the Dekspol retail line Drewno Protector
catalog – example of a product page
POS materials – KV of product slider with Martyna Oleszak – the face of Drewno Protector line
POS materials – slide with Drewno Protector products
Drewno Protector products shelf

Looking for development for my business

I would like to introduce a successor or investor

I need staff, I create a new department, etc.

I would like my products to be recognizable on the market

I’m looking for new markets for my company in Poland and abroad

I am looking for innovative solutions in agriculture

I am looking for innovative solutions in agriculture

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